СТЕЙНЛЕС СТИЛ | Труба нержавеющая и комплектующие для перил

Tube stainless round 76,1Х2 AISI 201 (mirror) (Code: 9126)

Hits: 13385 | Rating:
Price: 570.08 ГРН / meter - valid to: 2025-02-24
Incl. 20 % TAX
In stock: 204 meter
Seller: Stainless Steel
Description Tube stainless round 76,1Х2 AISI 201 (mirror) Code: (9126)

Stainless steel pipe 76.1Х2 AISI 201

- A stainless round pipe made of AISI 201 stainless steel (industrial steel) with an outer diameter of 76.1 mm, and wall thickness = 2 mm. Pipe length = 6 (six) meters. You can buy a minimum quantity in our warehouse 3 (three) meters.

Very often a pipe with such characteristics is used to make a flagpole.

Stainless steel pipes for flagpole

How to make a flagpole stainless pipe alone (homemade flagpole)

 The moment the flag-raising a little with what can be compared on the solemnity. Raising the flag gives any event a certain importance and the seriousness of the situation. But the flag itself - just the canvas to make it more than that allows the flagstick stainless pipes - for fixing construction (lift) flag allows to set the canvas to the desired height. Design stainless steel flagpole should be a line between strength and accuracy. She carries a huge ideological burden. Durability is very important. The flag should be in all weather conditions have a reliable point of attachment. The best design solution for the base of the flagpole is a stainless tube. The mast for the flag, made of stainless steel tubes, has a very important advantage over the other options, having a maximum strength with minimum material consumption. Stainless steel pipes can insert concentrically with each other (with the largest diameter of the bottom, top with the least). This design allows you to shift the center of gravity of the whole structure down, the flagpole will be more stable. Stainless steel pipes for the flagpole (its diameter and wall thickness) is selected on the basis of the expected height of the flagpole, flag weight, its area and possible wind loads. Note that the structure of the flagpole can be inclined, not only vertical, then the flagpole by a special bracket attached to the building wall. In this case, the base will take more constant load, which should be considered when choosing the material of the flagpole. Stainless steel flagpole - the most practical and durable solution. The mast of a conventional stainless steel tube (not even a telescopic structure) can be up to 12 meters height and serve for many years. True at such a height, special attention should be paid to the foundation of the flagpole, the reliability of anchor bolts, burial flagpole - ie stainless steel pipes for the flag to be the most reliable part of the whole structure. Keep in mind, especially when mounting that the flagpole could serve as a lightning rod.

How to make a flagpole with their hands ?

 Homemade flagpole can be created from ordinary stainless steel pipe that you can buy in the company Stainless Steel in Kiev at a good price with shipping! TONER BUY! This is a proven option and durability, and aesthetics. Stainless mirror (polished) pipe is a great base element of the flagpole, height 6 to 12 meters. Finial on this flagpole put the plug. She will perform not only a decorative function, but not precipitation will fall into the n / w tube, which considerably extend the service life. In addition to bases in the form of stainless steel tubing flagpole structure includes a cord for raising the flag, the elements for fixing the cable in position (a bollard on the pipe or rod for driving into the ground). As additional elements that simplify the lifting and lowering of the flag, as well as provide the maximum safety of the web, you can use Eyelets (rivets with a hole in the middle for fixing on fabric and cord threading), hooks, blocks system, and even rotating units to prevent flag winding around the flagpole. But it is not just the flagpole, and product engineering.

Video Tube stainless round 76,1Х2 AISI 201 (mirror) Code: (9126)
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Это не интернет магазин где рады любому заказу... Это реальный склад-база нержавеющих труб. Тут и так уже пошли на уступки и отпускают минимально 3 метра при условии что сума заказа не меньше чем 500 грн. Тут есть определенные правила. Если не устраивает покупайте у перекупщиков в тридорога... они вам метр продадут за такой ценой то тут три можно купить да еще и останется. да еже и стенку 1,5мм вам влупят вместо 2
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Очень странная компания. Отменили заказ по причине что очень маленький заказ. Мне надо был всего 1 м такой трубы.
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Нормальный сайтец для тек кто постоянно работает с нержавкой.
Класная труба из нержавейки.
Владислав! Вы же будьте честным. Напишите о причине ржавчины на трубе: труба поржавела по причине контакта нержавейки с черным металлом. А именно: вместо колец из нержавейки для сдерживания тросика были приваренные кольца из черного метала. Вот и все. Вот и вся причина ваших бед. Плюс агрессивный приморский климат сделал свое дело. По моему если Вы постоянно работаете с нержавейкой то давным давно должны знать: НЕРЖАВЕЙКА И ЧЕРНЫЙ МЕТАЛ НЕ СОВМЕСТИМЫ!
Да ничего... Читайте здесь:https://stainle...200
В Крыму в Ялте... а что?
вопрос: в какой области Украины вы ставили флагшток из этой трубы?
А у меня поржавела. Пошла точечная коррозия.... Вот такая 201 нержавейка
То что нужно для флагштоков. Покупал раньше только 304 сталь на это дело. Год назад взял трубы из 201 стали на пробу на несколько флагштоков. Было очень страшно: переживал чтоб не пошла ржавчина.... И... о чудо!!! прошло время а флагштокам хоть бы что)) стоят родненькие с жовто-блакитними прапорами.... на зло врагам и конкурентам...
Слава Украине!
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Details Tube stainless round 76,1Х2 AISI 201 (mirror) Code: (9126)
Manufacturer code: T/AISI201/76.1-2
Condition: new
Weight: 3.711 Kg. in one meter
: price for 1 meter
Unit: meter
Minimum order amount / in UAH / : 1000
Minimum order: 3 meters and a multiple of 3 (E.g. 3, 6, 9 m, etc.)
Terms of payment / prepayment percentage % / : 100
Type / in form / : round
Type of pipe / by manufacturing method / : welded
Type of weld / Tungsten Insert Gas / : TIG
Outer diameter ∅ mm. / in millimeters / : 76,1
Wall thickness mm. / in millimeters / : 2
The length of a pipe / in meters / : 6
Surface: 600 GRIT (mirror polished, glossy)
Packaging: pellicle
Cross-cutting 90° ―❘―❘― / (max 2) | 1 cut = : 50 uan
Cutting method / Angle grinder / : abrasive cutting
Cutting precision / in millimeters + - / : 5
Steel grade / American Iron and Steel Institute / : AISI 201
Standard / American Society for Testing and Materials / : ASTM A-554
Material: stainless steel
Сolor: chrome
Product category: ROUND AISI 201
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