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Elbow 70Х1,5 AISI 201 (polished, angle 90°) (Code: 9332)

Hits: 5420 | Rating:
Old price: 164.27 ГРН
Price: 143.90 ГРН / piece - valid to: 2025-04-01
Incl. 20 % TAX
In stock: more than 300 piece
Seller: Stainless Steel
Description Elbow 70Х1,5 AISI 201 (polished, angle 90°) Code: (9332)

Elbow stainless steel 70 mm AISI 201

- stainless steel bend with an outer diameter of 70 mm and a bend angle of 90 ° (ninety degrees). Wall thickness = 1.5 mm. The bend is fully compatible with a stainless pipe whose outer diameter is 70 mm (bend for a stainless pipe 70 mm). It is connected to the pipe by welding. The surface of such a knee - mirror, polished, glossy - corresponds to 400 GRIT. The minimum quantity that you can buy in our company is 1 tap.

Video Elbow 70Х1,5 AISI 201 (polished, angle 90°) Code: (9332)
Reviews about Elbow 70Х1,5 AISI 201 (polished, angle 90°) Code: (9332)
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Details Elbow 70Х1,5 AISI 201 (polished, angle 90°) Code: (9332)
Manufacturer code: E/AISI201/70-1.5
Condition: new
: price for 1 elbow
Unit: piece
Minimum order: 1 elbow
Terms of payment / prepayment percentage % / : 100
Outer diameter ∅ mm. / in millimeters / : 70
Angle / bending angle / : 90°
Wall thickness mm. / in millimeters / : 1,5
Connection type to the pipe: welding
Surface: 400 GRIT (mirror polished, glossy);
Packaging: pellicle
Steel grade / American Iron and Steel Institute / : AISI 201
Material: stainless steel
Сolor: chrome
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